I repaired the ignition module under the flywheel and its been a great motor. I picked up a 7.5hp air cooled Gamefisher last summer for $150 and thought I got a deal, it looked like new, had great compression but no spark. The guy I bought mine from had it mounted on a bracket up front on his boat, since it could just spin around in any direction it was great for shallow water and creeks. My old Eska 7.5hp used to start real easy, one or two pulls and it was ready to go. I replaced it with a little Merc 100 and wished I had kept the Eska, the added weight was too much for that little boat. I ran one for a few years on a 12' jon boat. When the Eska motors are 100%, and kept out of saltwater they're not bad at all on a smaller boat. Those are probably less than half the weight of a comparable Evinrude. Those Eska built motors are hit or miss when it comes to resale, it takes a guy that really prefers an air cooled motor or someone that needs a super light motor. Twocycle, I need to shop in your area I guess, I just sold a 1984 9.9hp Evinrude with a fresh repaint on it for $1500 cash, it wasn't listed for an hour when the first person to show up bought it.